31. SSS Video Recording + Slides: The Political Economy of Afrikan Spirituality’s Material Culture: Tools of Liberation or Traps of Enslavement?



The Political Economy of Afrikan Spirituality’s Material Culture: Tools of Liberation or Traps of Enslavement?
Many Kmtyw (Afrikan=Black people) return to Afrikan=Black spirituality as an avenue for Abibifahodie (Afrikan=Black Liberation) to get out of the oppressive yoke of eurasian religions. In this presentation, using participant observation, we will look at the proliferation of imported alcohol, tobacco products, talcum powder and other ritual implements in these ostensibly Afrikan=Black spiritual systems. Further, we will look at who ultimately benefits (economically, politically, socially, n.k.) from the created tastes and desires that now permeate the physical and spiritual realms unchallenged and unabated. Finally, we will address actual ways out of the myriad forms of enslavement (even those disguised as Afrikan=Black sprituality) and forward towards true Abibifahodie!


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